Tips to avoid demerit points
Information and tips to avoid driving offences and fines
Careless driving always end up in creating troubles and some time it results even serious accidents. To avoid such mishaps government enforces fines and demerits licence points in order to discourage reckless or careless driving.
In order to avoid losing your licence points make sure you follow all road rules and drive safely. Some of the major causes of demerit points are:
Over speeding
Over speeding can demerit four points of L and P1 plate drivers.Drink driving
Will end up in losing your licence if you drink and drive with holding L or P plate.Car with visible L or P plate
If you are holding L or P licence, must attach your plate on front, back and outside of your car.Use of mobile phone
While driving it can also be end up in losing your licence if you are a L or P plate driver.
Check your demerit point online
New South Wale
New South Wales – check your demerit points
Queensland Government – Check demerit points
South Australia
South Australia – Check demerit points
Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
Demerit Points – Road Transport Authority – ACT Government