7 tips for buying a used car in Australia
Thinking of buying a used car? Here are ten tips for safely buying a used car
Most people can’t afford to buy a new car. Or, they don’t want the added pressure of budgeting a hefty loan on top of all their other bills.
This is back-up by the steady growth of used-car purchases. According to one study used-car sales in Australia is growing by 5.4% year-on-year.
With the rise is sales of used-cars, it’s now more important than ever to ensure you’re getting a good deal. And part of getting a good deal is making sure the car you buy is going to last. It doesn’t have to last 20 years. But you certainly want to feel as though you got your money’s worth.
7 tips for buying a used car; and how not to get ripped off
Before buying your car, make sure you get all the facts; the cars in good condition; you can afford the car and all the extras; and you can afford to maintain it.
Our seven tips:
Car History Check
When you find a car you’re interested in, there are a few things you must do before you even talk with the salesperson about buying. One of those things is a car history check, also known as a REVS check or a PPSR check.
This is a quick, cheap way of ensuring the car you want to buy is everything the seller says it is. To complete a car history check all you need is the car’s 17-digit vin and $5.99. Visit www.quickrevs.com.au and get a fast, affordable car history check for your peace of mind.
This report will let you know the car’s history such as: whether it’s been stolen or written off, how many kilometres it’s done and what the car’s specifications are.
Pick your budget and stick to it
Before you even start looking at cars. Decide on what you can afford. Factor in the car, insurance, registration, petrol and on-going repairs. Also, you budget in the cost of things like car history checks and a roadworthy. These may seem like small things, but they can be the big difference between a great purchase and a regrettable purchase.
Get a professional to look over the car and make sure it’s in good shape. You don’t want to drive away with a car that seems to be in good order only to find out it needs a lot of work done. And that work’s not covered by warranty.
Shop around
Be guarded when you shop around. Remember: salespeople are there to make their daily sales targets. They will wrap you up in a story and convince you that absolutely want this beauty, she’s goes on the sniff of an oily rag and never breaks down. Don’t get taken. Shop around, remember what you’re looking for and don’t let a salesperson talk you out of getting what you want.
Ask questions
It’s always a wise move to ask as many questions as you feel necessary. Buying a car, even a second-hand one is a big deal. It’s costly and you want it to be a long-term purchase. That, and petrol’s not getting any cheaper.
Always ask questions about things like fuel consumption, tyres, has the car been in any accidents, what work has it had done on it, and so on. If you’re unsure about something just ask. Also, between their answers, your car history report and a roadworthy you will have all the information necessary to make an informed decision.
Test drive
They say people who test drive are more than likely going to buy the car. But that’s just a statistic salespeople throw around to make themselves feel better. Some people actually don’t do this. Which is weird. Get behind the wheel and get a feel for it. The car might look good, but if you don’t like the way it handles than it’s not really right for you.
Think the purchase through
This tip really is what every other tip has been eluding to. Purchasing decisions are often emotional rather than logical. Don’t get caught up in the excitement of owning your first car. Think it through, do your research and make sure you are 100% happy with your purchase.
Buying a car that you enjoy driving, you enjoy looking at and are happy to part with a lot of money for is what you’re aiming for here.
Don’t rush—you may regret it.
Buying a used car in Australia
If you are thinking about buying a used-car in Australia, follow these 7 simple tips for a safe, happy purchase. It’s as easy as budgeting, getting a Revs check and making well-research purchasing decision.